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What we do

Dovel & Luner is a firm of trial lawyers who conduct high-stakes contingency fee, class action, and mass tort litigation in courts across the country.

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Record of success

Our lawyers have won over 85% of their trials and arbitrations.  And because we build powerful cases for trial, we often successfully settle a case shortly before (or even during) trial.  We have successfully resolved, through trial or settlement, over 300 lawsuits.

See what lawyers, opposing parties, and jurors, have to say about our work.

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Success-based fees

We structure all of our fee agreements so that we get paid to win cases, not to bill hours.  We do this because lawyers should be compensated for obtaining excellent results for their clients, not merely for billing time on the matter.

We often take cases on a full contingency fee basis, including covering all case expenses.  We do not represent any client on an hourly fee basis.

Our team

We hire only the best of the best. Then we train together to be better.

“Dovel & Luner has assembled an elite ‘special forces’ team of attorneys.”
Corey Horowitz / Network-1 Technologies, Inc.

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How we win

There are six key elements to our success.

"Dovel & Luner has assembled an elite ‘special forces’ team of attorneys. Each attorney at Dovel & Luner is highly credentialed. … I have witnessed first-hand Dovel & Luner's most junior lawyers out-perform top partners at national name-brand law firms by executing devastating cross examinations at trial and delivering superb arguments at the Federal Circuit and United States Patent Office."

Corey Horowitz

Corey Horowitz

Network-1 Technologies, Inc.

"Usually a firm that is at the top of their field in one area is weak in another. This is not the case with Dovel & Luner—they are outstanding across every aspect of litigation, from case preparation and legal strategy, through motion practice, witness examination, oral argument, and negotiation."

John Vidalakis

John Vidalakis

Abstrax, Inc.

"We approached Dovel & Luner because of your firm’s ability to effectively try complex cases on a contingency basis. Your firm lived up to our expectations—you were able to quickly digest the facts and develop arguments that allowed us to obtain an excellent result for our client. Based on our experience in the DMX matter and other past successes, I will continue to refer contingency matters to your firm."

Ron M. Oster

Ron M. Oster

Paul Hastings

"It is difficult to find a high-quality lawyer for clients who need a contingency fee law firm to handle complex business litigation or an intellectual property lawsuit. You know that I believe you have the experience, judgment, and talent required to litigate these complex, big dollar cases and win. As a result, I have no hesitation in referring and have been happy to refer such matters to your firm, and will continue to do so in the future."

Carole E. Handler

Carole E. Handler

Foley & Lardner LLP

"In our discussions the graphics were a blessing in putting thoughts into a perspective that could be easily understood. The apple tree was most helpful in explaining what seemed to be an enormous amount of money to those jurors who were completely unfamiliar with sales, specifically commission sales. They could relate to apple trees having to form and grow before they bear fruit -- the fruit being the reward of careful preparation, nourishment and nurturing."

Gretchen Parker

Gretchen Parker


"What attorney doesn't want his or her opening statement to be the trial story against which all evidence is measured? After 28 years as a trial consulting firm, we have found no other trial team able to make this goal pay off as consistently as your trial team at Dovel & Luner."

Katherine James

Katherine James

Act of Communication (Jury Consultant)

"Hats off to Mr. Dovel. That is by far and away the most superb graphical presentation I have ever seen. It is, obviously, something he put a great deal of work into, and I am impressed, as I am sure you folks were as well."

Opposing Lawyer

Defendant's closing argument

"Your closing argument was absolutely brilliant. My attorney bumbled and fumbled and missed several opportunities. And you were wonderful. That's - I don't ever go to court, but I did experience a magnificent closing argument by you, which I'm sure is the cause for the result."

Opposing Party deposition testimony

describing Dovel & Luner’s closing argument

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