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We get excellent results. Don’t take our word for it. Contact our references.
Corey Horowitz
(917) 692-0000
Corey is an experienced entrepreneur, formerly a lawyer, and the CEO of Network-1. We represented Network-1 in a case that was tried in Tyler, Texas, against a group of defendants, led by Cisco, who hired five of the most highly-regarded trial lawyers. Corey is a sophisticated, hands-on client who had a good opportunity to compare our work to the work of the defendants’ lawyers and to that of other law firms that had previously represented Network-1. A description of the litigation and our results in this case can be found in the second Case Study.
John Vidalakis
(206) 679-8432
John has undergraduate and graduate degrees from Stanford University. As the head of a national commercial real estate company, John oversaw dozens of large lawsuits. As a result, he is an experienced consumer of litigation services. We represented one of John’s companies, Abstrax, in cases against Dell in the Eastern District of Texas, and Sun Oracle in the Northern District of California. In addition, John sat through two of our trials for other clients. John can tell you how our firm compares with other top lawyers.
Chad Everingham
(903) 297-7404
Chad Everingham is a former U.S. Magistrate Judge of the Eastern District of Texas, based in Marshall, Texas. While on the bench, Judge Everingham presided over many hearings and trials. He can give you a sense of how persuasive our work is compared to the work of our competitors.
Judah Klausner
(212) 288-8180
Judah Klausner is a prolific inventor and successful entrepreneur who has worked with (and against) many lawyers over several decades. We represented Klausner Technologies in multiple litigations over many years. Judah can tell you what it is like to work with us.